Disney Style Smoked Turkey Legs

Smoked Turkey Legs a la Disney World

8 large turkey legs or thighs

1 US gallon (3.8 liters) ice cold water

6 oz brown sugar

4 oz white sugar

8 oz kosher salt

3 oz InstaCure #1 (a must!!!!!!)

¼ cup Snowy Palms No Salt Creole Spice

3 Tbsp powdered garlic

3 Tbsp Liquid hickory smoke

In a large stainless steel pot or bowl, mix together all ingredients except the turkey legs. Stir until all the solids are completely incorporated into the liquid.

Place turkey legs in to brine, making sure they are completely submerged.  Place into fridge.
I  used a bowl filled with brine to keep the meat submerged

Brine for 72 hours. Stir completely every 12 hours or so.

Remove turkey legs from brine and rinse well under cold water.

Place legs onto wire rack to dry for an hour.
Smoke turkey legs at 220ᵒ F until they reach 185ᵒ F internal temperature.  I used apple wood for the smoke.

I put smoke on them for 3 hours then simply keep the heat at 220F until they reach 185F. Depending on your smoker it may take a a few more hours to get up to temperature. USE A MEAT THERMOMETER AND DO NOT OVER COOK!!!!!!  Really!
These can be kept in the fridge for 1 week or frozen for 3 months.

To heat for service, place a wire rack in a pan and add a quart of water.  Place turkey legs onto rack and then cover tightly with foil.

Cook in 400ᵒ F oven for ½ hour.  Remove and serve hot.
When you purchase these at Disney World the serving cart keeps them in a steam tray and that is what the difference is when you compare them to ones you can get at State Fairs, and other theme parks. The Disney World ones are superior by far.

These can be purchased in Canada under the Winkler brand, but home smoked is best!

Snowy Palms Resort