Make The Perfect Mojito

The Perfect Mojito Recipe

3– 4” sprigs fresh mint
2 oz simple syrup (sometimes called bartenders syrup) - see recipe below
2 oz white rum, (3 year old Havana Club is just perfect)
1 large lime, squeezed until dead (yields about 1 ½ - 2 oz and a confession if squeezed hard enough)
6 oz Club soda (Schweppes or Canada Dry are the very best and always insist on the best)
Ice - cubed, fresh, filtered virgin rain water gathered by hand and frozen with care to omit bubbles
Tall 14 oz glass,
Wooden muddler, hardwood, serrated bottom, ergonomically designed, clean

Pour fresh squeezed lime juice into glass, add mint and muddle it to bruise the mint leaves slightly, do not shred!!! 

Pour in the rum and simple syrup.

Add 6 ounces of Club Soda (about ½ a can), and stir gently.  Top with ice to fill the glass fully.  Serve with a straw and enjoy

If you want to kick it up a notch, rub rim of glass with a lime wedge and place rim in shallow plate of sugar(white or raw)  to sugar the rim, mix drink and top with sprig of mint and a lime wedge or twist.                                                                                                    

Be very careful when preparing this concoction, it is very habit forming, and can cause irreparable damage to the body and spirit if consumed in excess amounts, I have not hit that level yet, so I can’t advise on where you need to stop.  So experiment and enjoy! Let me know where the danger level is if you reach it, we will compare notes!!!

Simple syrup is just that- Simple!

2 cups white sugar
2 cups water
Mix well in a sauce pan and place on medium heat on the stove, cook, stirring often until it just comes to a bubble and the liquid turns crystal clear.  Pour into storage container and place in the fridge to chill.

Will keep for weeks in the fridge.

Enjoy. I know we do.

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